An unattended installation is one which does not require user interaction but will display progress in installation, and a silent (or quiet) installation is one which does not display any indication of its progress.
In order to perform a silent installation or unattended installation, you should be an Administrator to follow the steps mentioned below. These steps use the MSIEXEC.EXE command included with Windows. You can use the same MSI installer with several other third-party applications for software deployment (for instructions, please refer to your third-party application's documentation or support).
- Go to Start – Run and type CMD to open the Command Prompt window.
- In the Command prompt window, select the path where the MSI installer is located on your machine and type the following command to perform the Silent/Unattended installation.
msiexec /i " path for MSI Installer located on your machine" /qn
Where, msiexec = Command to install the MSI installer
/i = switch to install or configure a product
/qn = switch to set no user interface and hence will be a silent install.
/qb = switch to display basic user interface showing the progress in installation (Unattended).
For example:
msiexec /i "C:\ChemDraw Installers\PerkinElmer_ChemOffice_Suite_22.2.0_x64.msi" /qn.
The above location of MSI installer has been given as an example located at a folder on the C Drive for a Windows computer. For additional information, please refer to the Product Activation Process Document (Admin) provided to the local tech admins.
If you have any additional questions about MSIEXEC.EXE commands, please refer to the Microsoft's Support Website.
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