Starting from Spotfire 14.0, user can edit modify and view column description from Data in analysis flyout menu. A column description serves as metadata that provides explanations of what each column represents.
Is there a way to programatically update the value of multiple column descriptions at once?
This is possible using IronPython scripting. Read the instructions below.
1. Create an Excel file that contains following three columns:
- Table
- Column
- Description
2. Load the Excel file into Spotfire and rename the data table name to Description_Column.
3. Insert a text area into Spotfire analysis. Add an Action Control button that will execute the following script.
from Spotfire.Dxp.Data import *
table = Document.Data.Tables["Description_Column"]
TableCursor = DataValueCursor.CreateFormatted(table.Columns["Table"])
ColCursor = DataValueCursor.CreateFormatted(table.Columns["Column"])
DescCursor = DataValueCursor.CreateFormatted(table.Columns["Description"])
#iterate through table column rows to retrieve the values
for row in table.GetRows(TableCursor, ColCursor, DescCursor):
TargetTable = TableCursor.CurrentValue
TargetCol = ColCursor.CurrentValue
TargetDesc = DescCursor.CurrentValue
for t in Document.Data.Tables:
if t.Name == TargetTable:
for col in table.Columns:
if col.Name == TargetCol:
col.Properties.SetProperty("Description", TargetDesc)
4. Running the script will update the description of column LC/MS and ID in data table SAR assay data.
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