How do I install ChemDraw JS in Lead Discovery Premium 3.4?
The installer Spotfire_ChemDrawJS_Setup.exe is no longer available in the installer goods.
Installation of ChemDraw JS has changed since Lead Discovery Premium 3.4.
Follow the instructions below for LDP version 3.4 and higher.
1. Locate cdjs##<version>.war under the Additional Software folder in LDP installer goods.
2. Stop Spotfire Server service.
3. Copy cdjs##<version>.war to <Spotfire Server installation folder>\tss\<version>\tomcat\webapps.
4. Start Spotfire Server service.
5. Login to Spotfire Analyst as administrator
6. Tools > Administrator manager > Preferences > select the relevant group > LeadDiscovery > StructureEditorPreferences
7. Add to the “ChemDraw JS URL” preference: http(s)://<spotfireserver>/cdjs/chemdrawweb
Where <spotfireserver> is the hostname of your Spotfire server.
8. Restart Node Manager service to reflect the preference change to Web Player.
9. If you have a previous version of ChemDraw JS installed, you can uninstall it from Windows apps.
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