Product: TIBCO Spotfire®
How to set the First day of the Week and the First Week of Year used in week functions in Spotfire Analyst or Web Player
How to set the First day of the Week. If you see a different calculation result for week number or day, check if you have set the Firstday of week or first week of year correctly.
The culture/language which control how week numbers are calculated can be controlled with the two registry keys.
Run Regedit > Under HKEY_CURRENT_USER > Control Panel > International > iFirstDayOfWeek & iFirstWeekOfYear
0 - Monday
1 - Tuesday
2 - Wednesday
3 - Thursday
4 - Friday
5 - Saturday
6 - Sunday
0 -Week containing January 1 is the first week of the year.
1 - First full week following January 1 is the first week of the year.
2 - First week containing at least four days is the first week of the year.
If the analysis is accessed via the analyst client this setting needs to be on the Analyst client user machine
If the analysis is accessed via the Web Player/ browser, the update needs to be done only on the Node Manager Server for the Node Manager service account user.
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