Product: TIBCO Spotfire®
TIBCO Spotfire Analyst does not support the use of roaming profiles in Windows.
All user setting in Spotfire and all customization that the user sets in Spotfire Analyst, including the list of servers to connect to, is saved in files in the “%LOCALAPPDATA%\TIBCO\Spotfire\X.X\” folder. This path is not included in the roaming profile synced by Windows and the settings are not saved when the user logs out from Windows. Therefore they will not be remembered when the user logs in and opens Spotfire again.
You need to use a workaround to make sure the path used by Spotfire is synced to the roaming profile saved on the network.
A possible workaround is to use a “junction”(Symbolic link) to point the Spotfire folder under %localappdata% to the roaming profile under %appdata%. A Junction is a redirection. When Spotfire saves something in the "%localappdata%\TIBCO" folder, Windows redirects it to "%appdata%\TIBCO" instead.
Note that when creating the junction it is important that you make sure that the "%appdata%\TIBCO" folder exists and "%localappdata%\TIBCO" folder does NOT exist. The command to create the junction does not create the target folder, so if the "%appdata%\TIBCO" folder does not exist, the junction will not work. The command to create the junction will fail if the "%localappdata%\TIBCO" folder exists when running the command
Since nothing in the "%localappdata%" folder is saved on the computer when the user logs out, the TIBCO folder will be deleted as well. You need to make sure to create the junction at each user login. This can be done by having a Windows logon script that creates the junction each time the user logs on.
The actual command to create the Junction is: mklink /J "%localappdata%\TIBCO" "%appdata%\TIBCO"
A simple cmd logon script could be:
@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set local_folder="%localappdata%\TIBCO"
set roaming_folder="%appdata%\TIBCO"
rem Check that the “%roaming_folder%” folder exists and if not, create it
if not exist %roaming_folder% (
mkdir %roaming_folder%
rem Check to see if "%local_folder%" already exists.
if exist %local_folder% (
rem If the folder exist, check if it is a Junction or folder.
for %%i in (%local_folder%) do set attribs=%%~ai
rem If the folder exists and is not a Junction, all content of the folder will be moved to %roaming_folder% and a junction will be created to point to the %roaming_folder%
if not "%attribs:~-1%" == "l" (
xcopy /q /i /e /h /y %local_folder% %roaming_folder%
rmdir /q /s %local_folder%
mklink /J %local_folder% %roaming_folder%
- Mklink (Microsoft Docs)
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