Product: TIBCO Spotfire®
Error parsing the database configuration descriptor javax.xml.bind.UnmarshalException
Spotfire Server fails to start with the following error in the <Spotfire Server Install>\tomcat\logs\server.log
"Error parsing the database configuration descriptor Javax.xml.bind.UnmarshalException"
This is generally caused if the Spotfire Server is not able to find the Spotfire Server database information in the <Spotfire server install>tomcat\webapps\spotfire\web-inf\bootstrap.xml file.
Check if the <Spotfire server install>tomcat\webapps\spotfire\web-inf\bootstrap.xml file is corrupted.
Sample files (FIlenames: bootstrap_7.5Above.xml, bootstrap70andbelow.xml, bootstrap_corrupted.xml ) are attached.
1). Login into the Spotfire server Machine and launch the Windows Command Prompt.
2). Browse to the "<installation dir>\tomcat\bin" folder for Version10.2 and lower and "<installation dir>\tomcat\spotfire-bin" for 10.3 and higher .
3). Run the following command to create a new bootstrap file.
config bootstrap -f --driver-class="<Driverclass Name>" --database-url="<Database URL>" --username="<DBusername>" --password="<DBpassword>" --tool-password="<New_tool_password>"
config.bat bootstrap -f --driver-class=tibcosoftwareinc.jdbc.sqlserver.SQLServerDriver --database-url="jdbc:tibcosoftwareinc:sqlserver:sqlservertest;DatabaseName=spotfire_server" --username=<DBusername> --password=<DBpassword> --tool-password="Tool_password"
The above is the basic/minimum syntax that you need to create a bootstrap. on page 199
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