Product: TIBCO Spotfire®
"New list from marked items" feature is grayed out.
If you mark a row in the visualization and right click on marked rows, you will see option, "New List From Marked Items" but it is grayed out.
To enable it, follow the steps below.
1) If Lists are not already visible, select View > Lists.
2) Select a list under which you want the new list to be added.
3) In the visualization, mark the items you want to include in the new list.
4) Right-click in the visualization to display the pop-up menu.
5) Select Marked Rows to open the sub menu.
6) Select New List from Marked. Response: The New List from Marked dialog is opened.
7) In the Name field, type a name to be used for the list.
8) Optionally, select a column to group the list by.
Comment: If you select to group the list by a column, then the new list will have sub lists, one sub list for each value in the column.
9) Click OK.
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