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Product: TIBCO Spotfire®
Product: TIBCO Spotfire®
The Table visualization and Details-on-Demand (D-o-D) visualization cannot display more than 10000 rows from an in-database (in-db) data source.
The Table and Details on Demand visualization is displaying only up to 10,000 rows of data for any kind of In-database data connection(keeping data table external).
The Table and Details on Demand visualization can display only up to 10,000 rows of data for any kind of In-database data connection. This behavior is designed to prevent large databases from overflowing Spotfire.
For Spotfire 7.8 and later:
TIBCO Spotfire Administrator can configure the number of rows to display in a table visualization when running against In-DB data.
For it, login into Spotfire Analyst With Administrator Rights >> Tools Menu >> Administration Manager >> Preferences Tab >> Select the desired group >> Expand Application >> DataImportPrefernces >> Edit button >> TableVisualizationExternalRowLimit.
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