Product: TIBCO Spotfire®
SplusError: "package/function doesn't match function service whitelist (see item 'function.service.whitelist')"
Receiving error after installing TIBCO Spotfire Statistics Services (TSSS) 7.11.1, 10.0.0, 10.3.0, or later, while checking the installed packages with a URL like the following:
This is the error:
SplusError: "package/function doesn't match function service whitelist (see item 'function.service.whitelist')"
This is due to the default value of a new setting ('function.service.whitelist') that helps Spotfire administrators limit the ways Spotfire Statistics Services (TSSS) can be used.
Several new features like this one are described in the Release Notes for TSSS 7.11.1 LTS, TSSS 10.0.0, and TSSS 10.3.0 LTS.
The values for each of those settings can be changed by editing and saving the TSSS instance's "" configuration file, then restarting the Statistics Services service (as a Windows or Linux service) to make it read the modified file.
For TSSS 7.11.1 LTS and TSSS 10.3.0 LTS, the documentation at the following URLs provides instructions on how to set the values for this property:
For example,
If function.service.whitelist is not given, or if it is empty, then it is the same as the default (SpotfireConnector/execSpotfireAnalytic), accepting only SpotfireConnector and execSpotfireAnalytic, so Spotfire data functions can run.
If function.service.whitelist is set to none, then no functions are permitted.
If function.service.whitelist is set to *, then all functions are permitted.
You can also set the value to a string with one or more package/function patterns, separated by commas. Each pattern is a Java-style 'regex' string. It can use * to match anything (e.g. stats/rn.*,*/aa )
After you make changes to the "function.service.whitelist" property, you will need to save the "" configuration file, then restart the TSSS service as a Windows or Linux service.
You may also find information from the following knowledge base articles helpful for later steps in your testing:
They discuss TERR restricted mode, which is another of the new settings in the "" configuration file.
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