Product: TIBCO Spotfire®
Limit on number of records displayed in Activity tab from Scheduling & Routing page on TIBCO Spotfire Server
The Activity tab on the Scheduling & Routing page on the TIBCO Spotfire Server can help us to view status and time of each file update attempt. Records are displayed based on the date range filter selected which is by default populated with last the three days. If you have a large number of updates configured, then you may notice that not all activity based on the filters is displayed. There is a limit of 1000 records to be displayed in activity page. The top 1000 records are displayed in descending order as per date range filter selected. Due to this if there are hundreds of rules getting triggered on daily basis, you may not be able to see all the activities displayed for selected data range filter if activity count goes beyond 1000. This behavior is currently by design in order to avoid performance issues with too much content being displayed. Doc: Scheduled updates monitoring
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