Product: TIBCO Spotfire®
TIBCO Spotfire Automation Services job fails with LibraryException "Library entry with id=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" does not exist.
When a TIBCO Spotfire Automation Services job is run on the server, by default it uses the automationservices@SPOTFIRESYSTEM system account to access the library items.If automationservices@SPOTFIRESYSTEM does not have necessary library permissions on the respective library content it will fail with the following error:
ERROR;2020-01-29T11:13:22,803-05:00;2020-01-29 16:13:22,803;0c742020-7b4f-4bdd-898d-d3d7b35bee0f;2217292123100o;64;automationservices@SPOTFIRESYSTEM;TsasUserSession;Spotfire.Dxp.Worker.Services.Web.AutomationCore.JobInstance;"Failed to load file '/TESTING/job file test' from library."
Spotfire.Dxp.Framework.Library.LibraryException: Library entry with id=e5029c30-865d-417f-b18e-28582bdef664 does not exist.
To resolve the issue make sure that the 'automationservices@SPOTFIRESYSTEM' account has at least Browse + Access permissions to library folders containing the analysis file and its dependent data sources (Data Connection, Data Source, Information Link, columns, etc).
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