Spotfire Server Service fails to start with ERROR 1067: The process terminated unexpectedly.
TIBCO Spotfire Server Service in Windows Services Console (services.msc) fails to start with below error:
You may also see below error in Spotfire Server's log file server.log:
DEBUG 2020-02-01T02:13:18,986-0500 [localhost-startStop-2] util.sql.ConnectionUtil: Error closing database connection.
java.sql.SQLRecoverableException: No more data to read from socket
Generally, when TIBCO Spotfire server service starts, it scans the data source(s) related driver's (jar files) placed in below folders :
Scenario 1) Spotfire server version 10.3 and lower: Driver location is <installation dir>/tomcat/lib/
Scenario 2) Spotfire server version 10.3 and above: When defining a new data source or enabling any data source template, the vendor-specific JDBC jar file should now be copied to : <installation dir>/tomcat/custom-ext/ or <installation dir>/tomcat/custom-ext/custom-ext-informationservices/
1) By default all DataDirect drivers (provided by TIBCO) are placed <installation dir>/tomcat/spotfire-lib/ folder.
2) It may work if you copy any JDBC jar files that you've added to <Spotfire Server>/tomcat/lib/, but it is recommended to copy them into "custom-ext" folder as mentioned above.
If there are any data source-related drivers in the locations mentioned above, but their associated/respective data source template are not enabled or the data source itself is invalid, then Spotfire Server service may fail to start.
Spotfire admin should remove such jar files from <Spotfire Server>/tomcat/lib/ folder.
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