Product: TIBCO Spotfire®
Error: 'Guid should contain 32 digits with 4 dashes, while saving an item in library' is seen while saving an item into TIBCO Spotfire Library folder.
There can be scenario where saving an analysis file or an item into TIBCO Spotfire Library folder fails with the following error message. This could be mostly seen in a clustered Spotfire environment using a Load Balancer. This issue has been observed when the Spotfire Analyst Client is connected to the Spotfire server through the Load Balancer URL
Error message:
LibraryException at Spotfire.Dxp.Framework:
Unexpected exception thrown in UploadAttachment (HRESULT: 80131500)
Stack Trace:
at Spotfire.Dxp.Framework.Library.InternalLibraryManager.UploadAttachment(Action`1 streamWriter, String progressText, Boolean embedInSubtaskProgress)
at Spotfire.Dxp.Framework.Library.InternalLibraryManager.Save(LibraryEntry entry, Action`1 streamWriter, Fields fields, Boolean embedInSubtaskProgress)
at Spotfire.Dxp.Application.AnalysisApplication.SaveAs(LibraryEntry entry, Document document, LibraryItemMetadataSettings metadataSettings, DocumentSaveSettings saveSettings)
at Spotfire.Dxp.Forms.Application.FileUserActions.<>c__DisplayClass44_0.<SaveAsLibrary>b__0()
at Spotfire.Dxp.Forms.Application.FormsProgressService.ProgressThread.DoOperationLoop()
FormatException at mscorlib:
Guid should contain 32 digits with 4 dashes (xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx). (HRESULT: 80131537)
Stack Trace:
at System.Guid.GuidResult.SetFailure(ParseFailureKind failure, String failureMessageID, Object failureMessageFormatArgument, String failureArgumentName, Exception innerException)
at System.Guid.TryParseGuidWithNoStyle(String guidString, GuidResult& result)
at System.Guid.TryParseGuid(String g, GuidStyles flags, GuidResult& result)
at System.Guid..ctor(String g)
at Spotfire.Dxp.Services.GuidConverter.Convert(String id)
at Spotfire.Dxp.Framework.Library.InternalLibraryManager.<>c__DisplayClass111_1.<UploadAttachment>b__0()
at Spotfire.Dxp.Framework.ApplicationModel.Progress.ExecuteSubtask(String title, IndeterminateProgressFormatter progressFormatter, ProgressOperation operation)
at Spotfire.Dxp.Framework.Library.InternalLibraryManager.UploadAttachment(Action`1 streamWriter, String progressText, Boolean embedInSubtaskProgress)
A quick test to confirm this is to connect the Spotfire Analyst Client to the server using Spotfire Server direct URL instead of Load Balancer URL, most likely the issue will not occur. However, If the issue persists with Spotfire server URL then open a support case with TIBCO for further investigation.
When reproducing the issue connecting to Load Balancer URL, the following can be observed in Fiddler network traffic. This clearly shows a rejection at the Load Balancer end.
<html><head><title>Request Rejected</title></head><body> The requested URL was rejected. Please consult with your administrator.<br><br> Your support ID is: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx<br><br><a href='javascript:history.back();'>[Go Back]</a></body></html>
Below are few symptoms observed within Spotfire related to this problem.
1. While accessing Administration console UI, TIBCO Spotfire server and TIBCO Spotfire Node Manager details might not show up in the "Overview" section under "Monitoring and Diagnostics" though they are completely online as below.
2. Unable to see "Automation Services job builder" under "Tools" option in Spotfire Analyst Client. The reason behind this issue is communication problem between the Load Balancer and the Spotfire servers. The Load Balancer is rejecting the requests coming from Spotfire server. The issue at Load Balancer end needs to be fixed to resolve this problem.
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