Product: TIBCO Spotfire®
Scope of the TIBCO Spotfire Analyst client's locally installed TERR engine
When creating a data function to run on the locally installed TERR engine, be aware of its scope. A TERR data function can be created and run in the TIBCO Spotfire Analyst client, but if the analysis file is saved to the Spotfire library, the data function may not run when the analysis is accessed with the TIBCO Spotfire Web Player.
Unlike the TIBCO Spotfire Analyst client, TIBCO Spotfire Web Player does not include a built-in TERR engine, so the Web Player itself cannot run the data function.
For a data function that uses TERR to work when accessed with the Web Player, there must be a TERR engine configured. There are 2 options for that:
Option 1: TIBCO Spotfire Statistics Services (For all versions):
Ensure there is TIBCO Spotfire Statistics Services (TSSS) server instance installed and configured to use TERR as its statistical engine. The Web Player must have URL access to this TSSS server. To specify the URL for this TERR-configured TSSS instance, from the TIBCO Spotfire Analyst client select Tools > Administration Manager > Preferences. Select the group for which you want to provide access to the TSSS server. If you want to provide access to everyone, select the "Everyone" group > "TIBCO Spotfire Statistics Services" > "StatisticsServices." Click on the "Edit" button and specify the URL for the server where the TSSS server is running with the TERR engine in the "TIBCO Enterprise Runtime for R URL" setting. Click on "OK"
Option 2: TERR Service (For TIBCO Spotfire versions 10.0 and higher):
Install at least one TERR service and instance on a Node Manager in the environment. See Service installation on a node for more details. Note: The TERR service can have only one service instance.
Doc: TIBCO Spotfire Statistics Services
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