Product: TIBCO Spotfire®
Log file (Spotfire.Dxp.log) not created after enabling Debug Logging on Spotfire client.
After enabling debug logging for TIBCO Spotfire Analyst, as e.g. described in Knowledge Base article - 000033736 , sometimes Spotfire Client Debug log file doesn't get generated.
The reason the log file is not being generated is because of the User Account Control (UAC) settings. If you do not see the log file generated after implementing the steps mentioned in the KB article listed above, follow the steps below.
1). Open the Windows Control Panel.
2). In the "View by:" drop down list, select "Category".
3). Click on System and Security.
4). Click on Action Center.
5). In the left pane, click Change User Account Control Settings.
6). Turn off the UAC by sliding the vertical bar (on the left side) to "Never notify".
1) Please check with your IT team before turning off the UAC settings
2) Restart your machine after performing the above steps.
3) Once the log file has been generated, you can enable the UAC settings.
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