Product: TIBCO Spotfire®
Spotfire Analyst hangs at "Serializing Preview..." when trying to save
When trying to save a file in Spotfire Analyst version 7.12, the saving process gets stuck at "Serializing Preview...".
This is because of a defect related to having locked visualization areas in the file, and generating preview images for the same.
The defect is fixed in Spotfire version 7.14 and later.
In version 7.12, the easiest workaround is to not auto-create a preview image for your file (which is the step where it hangs):
Select Edit > Document Properties, and then Library tab. At the bottom, under "Select Preview Image", select to have No preview.
An alternative workaround in 7.12 is to unlock visualizations on the first page and see if that helps. If there is no lock on the first page: try unlocking visualizations on all pages as a test.
Documentation reference: Locking Visualization Areas
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