Unable to find x.509 certificate in Spotfire Analyst while configuring Automation Services task "Set Data source Credentials".
After installing the X.509 certificate on the Node Manager server, you may be unable to find the same x.509 certificate in the Spotfire Analyst client while setting up task "Set Data source Credentials" in Automation Services Job Builder.
To resolve the issue, ensure that the certificate has been installed on the machine running the installed Analyst client.
1). Start the Microsoft Management Console. Click the Windows start button and type "mmc".
2). Click File > Add\Remove snap-in.
3). Add the Certificates snap-in for the Local Computer.
4). Select Certificates (Local Computer) > Personal > Certificates.
5). If you do not find the required X.509 Certificate in the list, then the certificate has not been installed on your local computer. Export a copy of the X.509 Certificate from the Node Manager server or if you have the certificate, copy it locally. Then import in into the certificate store via the "Import" wizard. If you right click on the certificates pane, you should be able to see the "Import" wizard:
6). Once the certificate has been successfully imported, restart the installed Spotfire Analyst client and add the "Set Data source Credentials" task and check the list of certificates. You should now be able to see the new certificate in the list.
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