Product: TIBCO Spotfire®
How to kill the Spotfire Server/Node Manager Service from command line?
Sometimes, while stopping the Spotfire Server or Node Manager Service from Windows Services, it might take too long and the service might get stuck. When cancelling this stop process, the Stop/Start or Restart option might disappear for that specific service. In such a case, the service can be forcefully killed from the command line. After this the service can be started normally by clicking "Start" for that service.
In case such an issue is seen, the following steps should be performed.
1) Click Windows Start button and look for "Services".
2) Go to Services and select the "TIBCO Spotfire Server" or "TIBCO Spotfire Node Manager" application, whichever is stuck.
3) Right click on that service and select "Properties".
4) Under "General" tab, "Service name" will be listed. Copy this service name.
5) Open a 'Command' prompt as an Administrator.
6) Type "sc queryex [service name]". Eg: sc queryex Tss7110. Here "Tss7110" is the service name for Spotfire Server 7.11, checked using step 4.
7) This will show the PID of the process. Copy this PID.
8) In the command line, type "taskkill /pid [pid number] /f. Eg: taskkill /pid [8899] /f
9) Press Enter. The service will be now killed.
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