Product: TIBCO Spotfire®
How to Find the Personalized View for a User or Analysis File in the Spotfire Database
The personalized views allow users to continue where they left off from one time to another when working on the analysis in the web client. These personalized views (analysis states) are stored in the database on close or timeout of the analysis by the given user.
The personalized views are stored in the table LIB_ITEMS (and related tables like LIB_DATA, etc) where LIB_ITEMS.ITEM_TYPE='04a1dc4d-6794-4c49-b91b-063de8a77450' (which corresponds with LIB_ITEM_TYPES.TYPE_ID which has a LIB_ITEM_TYPES.LABEL value of 'analysisstate'). You can find the personalized views by querying the database.
For example (requires updating of the GUID with the GUID of the DXP being queried):
select lit.LABEL, u.USER_NAME, li.* from LIB_ITEMS li join LIB_ITEM_TYPES lit on li.ITEM_TYPE=lit.TYPE_ID join LIB_RESOLVED_DEPEND lid on lid.DEPENDENT_ID=li.ITEM_ID join USERS u on u.USER_ID=li.CREATED_BY where lit.LABEL='analysisstate' and lid.REQUIRED_ID='3d4d44af-5b32-4cf2-b83e-acc8fa9a45ba'--Replace with GUID of DXP in question
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