Product: TIBCO Spotfire®
Are hotfixes cumulative for Spotfire Server? Do they need to be applied in order, or will the latest one suffice?
Are hotfixes cumulative for Spotfire Server? Do they need to be applied in order, or will the latest one suffice?
Spotfire hotfixes are cumulative, and a Spotfire service pack includes all of the hotfixes and service packs that were released for that Spotfire version before the service pack was released.
Note: Hotfixes and service packs do not upgrade Spotfire from one version (such as 7.13.x) to another (such as 7.14.x). Version upgrade tools are provided with the installer for the newer Spotfire Server version.
The numbering sequences (and release schedules) for Spotfire Server (TSS) hotfixes and Spotfire client (TS) hotfixes (Analyst, Web Player and Automation Services) are independent of one another.
To achieve a fully hotfixed Spotfire environment, apply the latest Spotfire Server hotfix for that version, then deploy the latest Spotfire client hotfix for the same version.
If your Web Player runs Spotfire analyses that use data functions, you also need to apply the latest TIBCO Spotfire Statistics Services (TSSS) hotfix whenever you apply a Spotfire client hotfix. This is to keep the TIBCO Enterprise Runtime for R (TERR) version used by the Web Player via TSSS in sync with the TERR version on the Spotfire Analyst desktop client.
Hotfixes for TSSS are also cumulative, but applying them is a separate task, because TSSS is a separate product.
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