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Product: TIBCO Spotfire®
Product: TIBCO Spotfire®
TIBCO Spotfire Analyst Client login window freezes.
Spotfire Analyst Client login window freezes for LDAP users who are part of multiple/many Active Directory Groups. Users part of just one or two (few) groups login successfully.
Spotfire Server logs has the following warnings:
WARN 2014-07-08T18:42:04,652+0900 [abc1234, #11] ws.preferences.PreferenceService: An exception occurred in method synchronizePreferences com.spotfire.server.preferences.PreferenceException: Could not read blob ... Caused by: java.sql.SQLNonTransientConnectionException: [tibcosoftwareinc][Oracle JDBC Driver] Internal error : Net8 protocol error has occurred.This may happen when using the TIBCO Data Direct driver to authenticate users to the Spotfire database. To resolve the issue, use the respective database vendor's native driver instead of "TIBCO Data Direct Driver". See Creating the bootstrap.xml file reference for more details. In the "Driver template" dropdown select the native driver (for example, "MSSQL Microsoft") and configure a bootstrap based on that driver.
Note: This is one of potential resolution for these symptoms ("Login dialog freeze") and may not be applicable for every similar situation.
Doc: Creating the bootstrap.xml file
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