Product: TIBCO Spotfire®
How to make monitoring logging continously enabled for Automation Service?
This article will explain you how to permanently enable Monitoring logging for Automation Service. You can enable monitoring logging for Automation service using Spotfire server web interface under Monitoring & Diagnostics ("Enable Monitoring Logging"). However the logging levels will go back to what is specified in log4net.config if the service instance is restarted or log4net.config is edited. Sometimes it is necessary to enable full monitoring logging continously for which you can use this method to enable DEBUG logging on all appenders permanently.
- On the Spotfire Server machine, launch a command prompt as an Administrator.
- Browse to \tomcat\bin folder and export the Automation Servivces Configuration using the 'export-service-config' command. Specify the Automation service capability and the deployment area, for example:
export-service-config --capability=AUTOMATION_SERVICES --deployment-area=Production
- By default, the exported config files are located in the <server_install dir>\tomcat\bin\config\root directory.
- Open the log4net.config in a text editor or XML editor. You can take backup of this file before editing.
- Search for all below tags
<level value="INFO"/>
<level value="OFF"/>
- Replace all tags with:
<level value="DEBUG"/>
Note: When you enable "Enable Monitoring Logging" using Spotfire server web interface under Monitoring & Diagnostics ("Enable Monitoring Logging") , it will prompt you one message after clicking on "Enable Monitoring Logging" button which shows log level of some files get changed as shown in attached screenshot. So in "log4net.config" file you need to change log level of those files. Refer attached screensot (Change_Appender_Logging_Level.JPG)
- Save the log4net.config file.
- Import the modified configuration using 'import-service-config' command. Enter the 'config-name' value relevant to the changes made. This is the configuration that need to be used for Automation service.
import-service-config --config-name=AutomationConfiguration
- Launch the Spotfire server Admin UI > 'Nodes & Services' > Select your Automation service on the left > Click Edit.
- In the 'Edit service' dialog, look for the 'config-name' value that you entered while importing the service configuration and update to use that configuration.
Note: You can use the last imported configuration if there was any.
You can refer below manual link to know about Logging and exporting monitoring diagnostics:
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