Product: TIBCO Spotfire®
How to report on library permissions.
It is possible to capture the library permissions through the show-library-permissions config tool command or by querying the Spotfire application database
In TIBCO Spotfire Server 6.0 and later, you can use the show-library-permissions config tool command to show the permissions for a specific directory in the library. For example:
config show-library-permissions --tool-password=MySupportToolPassword --library-path=/ --recursive=true --expand-groups=true
Starting in TIBCO Spotfire Server 6.5, there is also a new parameter for this command that lets you export the permissions for an entire branch of the library (this will only show folders where permissions have been set explicitly):
This new parameter allows you to specify the root library folder and the entire sub-tree will be included in the report. The command shown above in 6.0 will just give the permissions for the folder specified in the --library-path argument.
This command is not available in TIBCO Spotfire 5.5 and earlier, but it is also possible to get this information by querying the Spotfire database directly. Execute the following example query on the TIBCO Spotfire application database to generate a list of all permissions for all library objects:
SELECT la.ITEM_ID as [Item ID] ,li.TITLE as [Item Name] ,lit.DISPLAY_NAME as [Item Type] ,u.USER_Name as [User name] ,g.GROUP_NAME as [Group name] ,la.PERMISSION as [Permission] FROM [mySpotfireDatabase].[dbo].[LIB_ACCESS] la LEFT JOIN lib_items li on li.ITEM_ID=la.ITEM_ID LEFT JOIN USERS u ON u.USER_ID=la.USER_ID LEFT JOIN GROUPS g ON g.GROUP_ID=la.GROUP_ID LEFT JOIN LIB_ITEM_TYPES lit on lit.TYPE_ID=li.ITEM_TYPE
Documentation: Command line reference 'show-library-permissions'
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