Product: TIBCO Spotfire®
Error importing zip file through Library Administration.
Importing the zip file from Library Administration might not complete and show the error "Failed to extract" while importing.
Errors to be checked:
1) In the impex.logs, it might show the following error.
"jobid:123456789, Failed to extract" There is not enough space on the disk
2) In server.logs, it might show errors in the following format.
Problem importing Could not allocate space for object 'dbo.LIB_DATA'.'PK__LIB_DATA__ADFD89A0847CC99E' in database 'spotfireDB' because the 'PRIMARY' filegroup is full. Create disk space by deleting unneeded files, dropping objects in the filegroup, adding additional files to the filegroup, or setting autogrowth on for existing files in the filegroup., DATABASE_ERROR
Caused by: Could not allocate space for object 'dbo.LIB_DATA'.'PK__LIB_DATA__ADFD89A0847CC99E' in database 'spotfireDB because the 'PRIMARY' filegroup is full. Create disk space by deleting unneeded files, dropping objects in the filegroup, adding additional files to the filegroup, or setting autogrowth on for existing files in the filegroup.
=> If the first error is noticed, the Spotfire Server disk space needs to be checked. Free up disk space on the Spotfire Server and try re-importing.
=> If the second error is seen, free up disk space on the database server and then try re-importing.
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