Product: TIBCO Spotfire®
"Remap of Information Services Catalogs and Schemas" Automation Services job fails with the error "The input file [path] does not exist."
When executing the "Remap of Information Services Catalogs and Schemas" Automation Services job, the job may fail with the error:
The input file [Path] does not exist.
Based on the error message, the path specified in the "Original export file path" is invalid or the file does not exists. The issue can occur while executing the job locally or on a server.
When executing the job locally:Make sure the specified path is valid on the local client machine and the zip file exists on the specified location.
Example: If the path specified is "C:\library\", browse to that file path on the local client machine and verify the path and file exists.
When executing the job on the server:
Make sure the specified path is valid on the Node Manager (versions 7.5 and higher) or Automation Services server (versions 7.0 and lower) machine and the file exists at the specified location.
Note: The Original and remapped path locations (export and import file paths) for remapping should be relative to the Node Manager or Automation Services server when executing the job on a server and should be relative to the local client machine when executing the job locally.Example: If the path specified is "C:\library\", browse to that file path on the Node Manager or Automation Services Server machine and verify the path and file exists.
Note: Accessing files via mapped network drives for Automation Services tasks is not recommended by TIBCO. The best practice is to use UNC paths instead. So instead of using a path for "Original export file" like "Z:\library\" (where "Z:" is a mapped drive), the recommended configuration is to instead use the UNC path like "\\myServer\library\" (where "myServer" is the server name).
Doc: Remap Information Services Catalogs and Schemas
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