Product: TIBCO Spotfire®
How to determine which Spotfire.Dxp.Worker.Host.exe process corresponds to a particular TIBCO Spotfire Web Player instance
If there are multiple instances running on your Node Manager, there may be multiple Spotfire.Dxp.Worker.Host.exe processes running on your server. This can make it difficult to identify which process corresponds to a particular TIBCO Spotfire Web Player instance.
To identify which process corresponds to the TIBCO Spotfire Web Player instance, follow the steps below.
1). Start Task Manager. To do this, use one of the following methods:
- Right-click an empty area of the task bar, and then click "Task Manager".
- Press CTRL+SHIFT+ESC and select "Task Manager".
2). Add the "Command line" column to the display:
- Windows 2008: On the "Processes" tab, select View -> Select Columns . Check "Command line" and click OK.
- Windows 2012 and higher: On the "Details" tab, right click on the column headers and chose "Select columns". Check "Command line" and click OK.
3). Check the command line parameter used to start the process. For example:
C:\tibco\tsnm\7.7.0\nm\services\WebWorker-26.10.10706.2923-82bc56c3-f677-4971-b44d-4fea0626620f\Spotfire.Dxp.Worker.Host.exe -tssUrl https://win-s54dfdo2tm0:9773 -baseUrl https://WIN-2U7HH4CK9JF:9501/2f5c81d0-9a39-4339-bd7b-c3bb0aadfec1/ -enabledCapabilities WEB_PLAYER -serviceId 2f5c81d0-9a39-4339-bd7b-c3bb0aadfec1 -certificatePath C:\tibco\tsnm\7.7.0\nm\trust\keystore.p12 -registrationPort 9770
You can find the GUID of the Web Player instance (in this example "2f5c81d0-9a39-4339-bd7b-c3bb0aadfec1") in the serviceId parameter:
-serviceId 2f5c81d0-9a39-4339-bd7b-c3bb0aadfec1
and in the internal instance URL:
That is the ID of the Web Player instance as seen in "Nodes & Services" and in Monitoring & Diagnostics -> Overview -> Web Player instance . (The first 8 characters will be shown, like "2f5c81d0")
Note: This same command line parameter is also captured in the service logs (Spotfire.Dxp.Worker.Host.<GUID>.log) when the instance starts:
INFO ;2017-06-30T16:22:52,872-04:00;2017-06-30 20:22:52,872;2f5c81d0-9a39-4339-bd7b-c3bb0aadfec1;(null);WorkerStartup 1;;Spotfire.Dxp.Worker.Host.WorkerHost;"Command line: '-tssUrl https://win-s54dfdo2tm0:9773 -baseUrl https://WIN-2U7HH4CK9JF:9501/2f5c81d0-9a39-4339-bd7b-c3bb0aadfec1/ -enabledCapabilities WEB_PLAYER -serviceId 2f5c81d0-9a39-4339-bd7b-c3bb0aadfec1 -certificatePath C:\tibco\tsnm\7.7.0\nm\trust\keystore.p12 -registrationPort 9770'."
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