How to configure access to local and shared network directories for Spotfire Web Player
This article describes additional settings that must be performed if the Spotfire Web Player is going to be used to open analysis files that reference files on local and shared network directories, like \\myserver\myfolder\mydata.csv
Note: When adding files to your analysis which will be accessed via the Spotfire Web Player, it is recommended to only use UNC based paths like "\\myserver\myfolder\mydata.csv", and not local or mapped drives like "D:\myfolder\mydata.csv" or WebDAV-based UNC paths. To define the allowed file paths, manually edit the service configuration files per the following documented steps:
In Step 3 of the above referenced process ("3. Edit the exported configuration files in a text editor or XML editor"), edit the ‘Spotfire.Dxp.Worker.Host.exe.config’ with either of the following 2 options (OPTION A or OPTION B):
OPTION A) Explicitly define allowed paths with the AllowedFilePaths setting.
Locate the AllowedFilePaths setting:
<setting name="AllowedFilePaths" serializeAs="Xml"> <value> <ArrayOfString> <string/> </ArrayOfString> </value> </setting>
Specify the individual paths in the 'AllowedFilePaths' parameter inside <string>. For example:
<setting name="AllowedFilePaths" serializeAs="Xml"> <value> <ArrayOfString> <string>\\NetworkPath1\FolderName1\</string> <string>\\NetworkPath2\FolderName2\</string> </ArrayOfString> </value> </setting>
OPTION B) Add the AllowAllFilePaths to allow all paths by default
Locate the AllowedFilePaths setting:
<setting name="AllowedFilePaths" serializeAs="Xml"> <value> <ArrayOfString> <string/> </ArrayOfString> </value> </setting>
And add in the following setting directly after the above setting:
<setting name="AllowAllFilePaths" serializeAs="String"> <value>True</value> </setting>
Resulting in:
<setting name="AllowedFilePaths" serializeAs="Xml"> <value> <ArrayOfString> <string/> </ArrayOfString> </value> </setting> <setting name="AllowAllFilePaths" serializeAs="String"> <value>True</value> </setting>
Save the file.
Documentation Reference:
Manually editing the service configuration files
Spotfire.Dxp.Worker.Host.exe.config > allowedfilepaths
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