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Product: TIBCO Spotfire®
Product: TIBCO Spotfire®
How to connect to Microsoft Azure SQL Server database with Information Links via JDBC.
The following describes one method to connect to a Microsoft Azure SQL Server database instance using Information Links and a JDBC connection from the TIBCO Spotfire Server. You can connect to the Microsoft Azure's SQL Server database via the Information Designer. Here are the steps:
- Log into your Microsoft Azure. On the left panel, click on “SQL Databases”.
- Click on the name of the database. In the attached example this is “Spotfire”.
- Under “Connect to your database”, click on the link: “View SQL Database connection strings for ADO .Net, ODBC, PHP, and JDBC”.
- A pop up window will open. Copy the JDBC string. For example:
- jdbc:sqlserver://;database=myDatabase;user=support@myserver;password=mypassword;encrypt=true;hostNameInCertificate=*;logingTimeout=30;
- Click on the link “firewall rules” and add the external IP address of your TIBCO Spotfire Server.
- Note: You can find the public IP address by e.g. going to . Your internal network must allow the connection from the TIBCO Spotfire Server to the Microsoft Azure instance.
- Open the TIBCO Spotfire Analyst client and go to Tools > Information Designer. Add a new data source by clicking the “Create Datasource” link and use the default "SQL Server" data source template. Use the JDBC string URL from step 4 for the connection, modified with your specific details.
- Now you can create Information Links using your new data source which is configured to access your Microsoft Azure SQL Server database instance.
See the attached PDF (Filename: SpotfireConnectionTo-MicrosoftAzure-SQLDatabaseconnection.pdf) for screen shots.
External: Microsoft Azure
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