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Product: TIBCO Spotfire®
Product: TIBCO Spotfire®
How to list all groups for which a TIBCO Spotfire Statistics Services URL is defined in the preferences
The TIBCO Spotfire Statistics Services (TSSS) URL for particular engine types are configured in Spotfire for particular groups using the following steps:
- Log in to Spotfire Professional using administrator credentials.
- Click Tools > Administration Manager.
- Select the main Preferences tab.
- Select the group for which you want to set the URL, and then select the secondary Preferences tab.
- Scroll through the preferences until you find TIBCO Spotfire Statistics ServicesSpotfire Statistics Services. Expand this option and select Statistics Services.
The right pane displays the default URLs for all engine types. - Select the engine for which you want to set the URL, and then click Edit.
- In the resulting box, type the URL for Spotfire Statistics Services. Include the service name. For example, http://MyServer:8080/TERRServer.
Here is an example query that can be run on the TIBCO Spotfire database running on Microsoft SQL Server:
SELECT GROUP_NAME, CATEGORY_NAME, PREFERENCE_NAME as [ENGINE TYPE], PREFERENCE_VALUE as [TSSS URL in encrypted format] FROM PREFERENCE_KEYS A INNER JOIN PREFERENCE_VALUES B ON A.PREFERENCE_ID = B.PREFERENCE_ID INNER JOIN GROUPS C ON B.GROUP_ID = C.GROUP_ID WHERE PREFERENCE_VALUE != '#null' and CATEGORY_NAME = 'TIBCO Spotfire Statistics Services'Note that the actual URL text is encrypted in the database and not in a readable format. This query will at least give a list of the groups for you to investigate in the Administration Manager.
Disclaimer: The content of this article is for informational purposes only. The subject material may change in any new versions with no notice and there is no responsibility by TIBCO to maintain or support future access to this internal application content. Modification of any internal application content is not recommended and can lead to an unsupported configuration. It is not intended to be used "As Is" in a Production environment. Always test in a Development environment. Doc: Configuring TIBCO Spotfire to use TIBCO Spotfire Statistics Services
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