Product: TIBCO Spotfire®
How to change the Scheduled Updates "concurrentUpdates" parameter in Spotfire Web Player 7.5 and higher
This article explains how to change the Scheduled Updates "concurrentUpdates" parameter in Spotfire Web Player 7.5 and higher. This parameter sets the maximum number of concurrent Scheduled Updates jobs that can be executed at the same time. This is used to limit resources used by the update mechanism. The min value is 1 and max value is 10.
Steps to change the "concurrentUpdates" parameter for Scheduled Updates.
- On the Spotfire Server machine, launch a command prompt as an Administrator.
- Browse to \tomcat\bin folder and export the Web Player Configuration using the "export-service-config" command.
- For additional information about this command, review the Spotfire Server Installation and Configuration manual.
Example command follows.
C:\tibco\tss\7.6.0\tomcat\bin>config export-service-config --deployment-area="Production" --capability=WEB_PLAYER
- The exported configuration files will be saved under the \tomcat\bin\config\root folder.
- Open the Spotfire.Dxp.Worker.Web.config file in a text editor.
- Search for the "concurrentUpdates" parameter and modify this parameter as per your requirement.
- Save the file. If you get a prompt to replace the existing file, select "Yes".
- Import the modified configuration using "import-service-config" command.
- For additional information about this command, review the Spotfire Server Installation and Configuration manual.
- Enter the "config-name" value relevant to the changes made. This is the configuration that needs to be used for Web Player service.
Example command follows.
C:\tibco\tss\7.6.0\tomcat\bin>config import-service-config --config-name="Updated Concurrent Updates"
- Launch the Spotfire Admin UI and browse to "Nodes & Services".
- Edit the Web Player Service to use to the updated configuration.
- Look for the "config-name" value that you entered while importing the service configuration and update the service with configuration.
- After this go to the "Monitoring & Diagnostics" tab, then go to "services".
- Select the Web Player instance where you applied the configuration.
- On the right hand side under Diagnostics, select "Service Configuration" from the drop down menu. Under Scheduled Updates you will see a changed value for "scheduledUpdates/concurrentUpdates" as shown in the attached image (Filename: Scheduled_Update_concurrentUpdates.JPG).
Refer to the 7.6 Spotfire Server installation manual, to read more about the "concurrentUpdates" parameter, and about the export-service-config and import-service-config commands:
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