Product: TIBCO Spotfire®
How to make a Calendar like chart using a scatter plot.
This article talks about how to make a Calendar like chart using a scatter plot.
Follow the steps below.
1). Add a scatter plot in your analysis.
2). Note [Courier Start Time] is the date of interest here by which we will plot calendar.
Use the following expressions in the scatter plot Properties tab:
a). X Axis :
b). Y Axis : Week([Courier Start Time])
c). Trellis : Select Panels Radio button and add expression
Choose Manual layout and Set Max Number of Rows as 4 and Max number of Columns as 3
d). Labels : UniqueConcatenate(DayOfMonth([Courier Start Time])) and Select to Show labels for All .
e). Shape : Select Tiled Markers
f). Marker by :
g). In Y axis, choose Reverse scale and Multiple scaling for each trellis panel.
h). Color : Set expression BinByDateTime([Courier Start Time],"DayOfWeek",0)
Scatter plot will be presented as Calendar.
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