Product: TIBCO Spotfire®
Spotfire application data integrity.
Questions related to data integrity. 1) Where do Spotfire data source connection information stored in the Spotfire environment? Answer : In Spotfire Database, related informations are stored in LIB_ITEM and LIB_DATA tables. 2) If it is in database, how is it stored – any column in any table? What type of information is stored (SID/server instance, port #, userID, password – all in one column or different column)? Answer: In Spotfire database, these details gets stored in [DATA] column in [LIB_DATA] table. SID/server instance, port # and other deatils get stored in DATA column as plain text. Whereas User Name and password is encrypted. 3) Is it encrypted? Answer : User Name and password is encrypted. You can view SID/server instance, port # by reading the data from [DATA] column in [LIB_DATA] table using convert operation (convert(varchar(max),[DATA])) SAMPLE QUERY : select [DATA],convert(varchar(max),[DATA]) from [spotfire_server].[dbo].[LIB_DATA] where ITEM_ID ='4c5a0648-4932-451f-85b4-96cdad23e323'; (change ITEM ID as per your data ) 4) Can someone with admin access to the service (database/ Spotfire physical server/ Spotfire Application Server) be able to decrypt this information and misuse? Answer : No , Username and Password can not be decrypted by any User.
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