The server may become unresponsive and users can intermittently experience issues when performing all types of actions such as:
-Running information links
-Opening the Library
-Listing users
-Logging in.
The action will hang for about 10 seconds before it is canceled and the following error message will be logged:
Timeout while waiting for database connection after 10 seconds.
Many tasks performed by the server require a connection to a data source.
The data source can either be a database used by an Information Link (i.e. a data source in the Information Designer) or the database that contains the Spotfire server repository, also known as the "Spotfire Database".
TIBCO Spotfire Server uses a Connection Pool mechanism to connect to the Database.
The connection pooling is defined by maximum and minimum number of connections.
When TIBCO Spotfire Server starts, it creates a number of connections to the databases defined by a min-connection parameter.
Then it creates new connections to databases as per the requirement but the maximum connection that can be created to a database is restricted by the max-connection parameter.
The error occurs when all available connections in the connection pool to the particular data source are occupied by other tasks, the maximum allowed connection has been reached and the server cannot get a free connection within 10 seconds, which is the default waiting timeout value.
The server maintains a connection pool for each data source with a limited number of concurrent connections, defined by the connection pool size.
There are two ways to solve this issue, either by reducing the peak load on the data source or by increasing the connection pool size.
The latter alternative is described here.
----- Instructions ---------------
1). Identify the Data Source which has reached the max-connection restriction.
When experiencing this issue, start a Web Browser and go to the Spotfire Server Welcome page. (Use the same URL as in the Spotfire Client).
• Click on the "Open Logs and Diagnostics" button.
• If prompted to login, use a Spotfire account with Spotfire Administrator privileges.
• Go to the Monitoring&Diagnostics section and click on 'Server diagnostics', in 12.0 you also need to click on 'View datasources' for the server you are interested in
It displays the details about different database connections used.
Check each listed Data Source and find if it has maxActiveCount equals to maxConnections value.
2). Increase the max-connections value. For server.default Data Source (which is for Spotfire Database).
• Export the current configuration to a file using TIBCO Spotfire Server Configuration tool.
• Open the file in text editor and search for following section: 40
• Increase the value and save the file.
• Import the modified configuration file into database using TIBCO Spotfire Server Configuration tool and restart the TIBCO Spotfire Server service/process.
For other Data Sources (which are used in Information Links).
• Login to Spotfire Analyst Client as an Administrator.
• Go to Tools - Information Designer.
• Select the same data source and Edit.
• In the Edit Page, increase the max value of No of Connections.
• Save the data source.
By default, the TIBCO Spotfire Server is configured with 10 seconds to get a database connection. If you think this time is not sufficient then it can be increased.
Instructions to increase the database connection login timeout:
• Export the current configuration to a file using TIBCO Spotfire Server Configuration tool.
• Open the file in text editor.
• Search for following section to increase the timeout value for server.default Data Source connection (which is for Spotfire Database). 10
• And search for following section to increase the timeout value for other Information Link JDBC Data Sources. 10
• Increase the above values as per the requirement and save the file.
• Import the modified configuration file into database using TIBCO Spotfire Server Configuration tool and restart the TIBCO Spotfire Server service/process.
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