Product: TIBCO Spotfire®
Is it possible to load data from other Revvity Signals applications such as BioAssay and E-Notebook into Spotfire? How can I do this?
It is possible to load BioAssay and E-Notebook data into Spotfire.
If you host your own Spotfire server:
You can access this data through an information link or by going to FileOpen From Database if you have full access to the database the data is stored on. Another option is to use the application ChemBioViz to push data from BioAssay or E-Notebook into Spotfire.
If Revvity Signals hosts your Spotfire server:
The ChemBioViz application will be your only option for loading your data.
Directions for using ChemBioViz to load data into Spotfire:
ChemBioViz is an application included in ChemBioOffice Enterprise and needs to be of version 12.4 or later. To use ChemBioViz, you will need to login to your ChemBioOffice Enterprise manager and locate the DataView Manager on the homepage. In the DataView Manager panel, click on ‘Edit Master’. Select your schema (ex. ENBIOASSAYVIEWS) from the ‘Schema:’ drop-down list, click on ‘Refresh Schema’, and click ‘Add Table’ to add a new table to the DataView Manager Master. In the input field ‘Filter Table Name:’, identify the view number of the table of interest and click ‘Add’. Next, give a name to your new data view, choose its base table, and select ‘Add Table’. Give a name to the table, select the fields that will be visible in ChemBioViz, edit the display names if desired, and choose the primary key. Other tables may be added to the new data view in this manner with relationships being established between the tables. Finally, submit the created data view by clicking on the ‘Submit’ icon. After doing this, login to ChemBioViz to create a ChemBioViz form. Under ‘Dataviews’, navigate to your new data view, expand it, navigate to your base table, right-click on the base table, and choose to ‘Generate Form’. Your form can be edited by clicking on ‘Edit Form Tab’. Lastly, save your form as public or private and it will now be ready to be loaded into Spotfire. Near the top of the ChemBioViz application, click on ‘Spotfire’. ChemBioViz will then connect to Spotfire, the Spotfire application will be opened, and your data will be loaded automatically.
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