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Product: TIBCO Spotfire®
Product: TIBCO Spotfire®
After log in to the TIBCO Spotfire Server Administration Console, the following error message is displayed: "HTTP Status - 403 Access is denied. You are not authorized to access this URL."
After log in to TIBCO Spotfire server Administration Console (with Single-Sign On (SSO) or Open ID Authentication setup and Two factor authentication enabled), the following error message is displayed: "HTTP Status - 403 Access is denied. You are not authorized to access this URL."
There can be multiple reasons for the above error message. One may have to check the server.log in DEBUG mode to narrow down the issue. Below are some common reasons for it:
- The user doesn't has permission/license enabled to login.
- The user account is disabled from Administration manager.
- In case of Single Sign-On, e.g. Kerberos, check if the authentication is configured correctly to log in to Spotfire server URL.
- In case of Open ID authentication, check in the configuration if the user trying to log in to Spotfire has the permission to login
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