Automation task "Open Analysis from Library" fails with error "Failed to open data source. --- System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Cannot access file"
This article will help you resolve the error, "Open Analysis from Library" fails with error "Failed to open data source. ---> System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Cannot access file" when running an automation task.
1. Create a shared folder within your network. This can be on a file server as well.
2. Confirm that the Node Manager service and Spotfire Server services are running using the same custom Windows account.
3. Provide read/write access to this Windows user on the shared folder.
4. Place Excel, txt files, etc. with which you plan to create reports in this network shared folder.
5. Created a report keeping the above files as a data source and publish them to the library.
6. Login to the Spotfire Server and export the Automation server configuration. Follow the steps below.
- run the export config command at command prompt. <server install dir>\tomcat\spotfire-bin-> config export-service-config --deployment-are="Production" --force --capability=AUTOMATION_SERVICES
- Provide the config Tool Password when prompted.
- Browse to the location <server install dir>\tomcat\spotfire-bin\config\root\ and edit "Spotfire.Dxp.Worker.Host.exe.config"
-Add the file share to the "AllowedFilePaths"
Sample: \\fileshare01\spotfire (Here "fileshare01" is the file share location and "spotfire" is a folder that is created to place the source files)
- Save the config file and import it as follows. <server install dir>\tomcat\spotfire-bin->config import-service-config --config-name="AllowLinked01"
- Provide the config Tool Password when prompted.
- Login to the Spotfire Admin console > Open "Nodes and Services".
- Click on Automation Service > Click "Edit"on the right hand top corner.
- Select the new configuration and update.
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