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Product: TIBCO Spotfire®
Product: TIBCO Spotfire®
In the output from running the TIBCO Spotfire Server command-line command list-service-instances, what are the "Service ID" and "Service Name" columns?
Running the list-service-instances command produces results that includes the columns names "Service ID" and "Service Name".
An example output of after running the command:
C:\tibco\tss\10.4.0\tomcat\spotfire-bin>config list-service-instances --verbose=true Tool password: Node ID -------------------------- ------------------------------------ a5851129-9d6b-418b-bd87-b19c4f53851a Service ID Service Name Capability Service Version Status Service Type Deployment Area ID Bundle Version Service Installation ------------------------------------ ------------------- --------------------- --------------- ------- ------------ ------------------------------------ --------------- ------------------------------------ 9e4387d6-ce16-450b-9f35-fa09f82a7c85 Automation Services "AUTOMATION_SERVICES" 10.4.0 RUNNING Runnable 2d71f811-19f6-f4ac-c985-3da501193f54 40.0.13705.5172 2ea02c42-92df-4ef7-8166-7d76aa3c155b bffb6ddc-7bf2-4937-941d-ef00ddadc292 Web Player "WEB_PLAYER" 10.4.0 HF-002 RUNNING Runnable 2d71f811-19f6-f4ac-c985-3da501193f54 40.0.13825.5627 c78e1825-5ab8-486d-87cf-42dfae979790The Service is a folder containing configuration files where the modules from the deployment area downloaded and installed. The Service instance is the process that is running and executing tasks. Thus - it may be easier to understand the result if you instead interpret the resulting column names as "Instance ID" and "Instance Name".
An example of what it could look like:
C:\tibco\tss\10.4.0\tomcat\spotfire-bin>config list-service-instances --verbose=true Tool password: Node ID -------------------------- ------------------------------------ a5851129-9d6b-418b-bd87-b19c4f53851a Instance ID Instance Name Capability Service Version Status Service Type Deployment Area ID Bundle Version Service Installation ------------------------------------ ------------------- --------------------- --------------- ------- ------------ ------------------------------------ --------------- ------------------------------------ 9e4387d6-ce16-450b-9f35-fa09f82a7c85 Automation Services "AUTOMATION_SERVICES" 10.4.0 RUNNING Runnable 2d71f811-19f6-f4ac-c985-3da501193f54 40.0.13705.5172 2ea02c42-92df-4ef7-8166-7d76aa3c155b bffb6ddc-7bf2-4937-941d-ef00ddadc292 Web Player "WEB_PLAYER" 10.4.0 HF-002 RUNNING Runnable 2d71f811-19f6-f4ac-c985-3da501193f54 40.0.13825.5627 c78e1825-5ab8-486d-87cf-42dfae979790
How are Service and Service Instances related to TIBCO Spotfire Server Services, such as Web player, Automation Services and TERR?
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