Product: TIBCO Spotfire®
Installation of TIBCO Spotfire Web Player service / instance fails or is stuck at "Installing" status
While installing a TIBCO Spotfire Web Player service / instance is fairly straight forward, we may encounter an issue with the installation being stuck within the Activity section of Nodes & Services.
When we verify the server.log, we may see the following errors / warnings:
nodemanager.control.DeployCommandHandler: The deployment failed with exception com.spotfire.server.nodemanager.control.InstallationFailedException: Failed to download a module.
Usually the error stack trace would also have more details around why this error was thrown.
Listed below are a few reasons and a workaround / suggestion when we see the following message in the server.log file: "Failed to download a module"
- Inadequate disk space on the Node Manager machine can prevent the modules from being downloaded from the Spotfire Server on to the Node Manager machine where the Web Player service / instance is being installed. Freeing up the disk space or adding more disk space is a solution here. We may see the following message in the error stack trace in the server.log file. :
There is not enough space on the disk
- Network issues between the Spotfire Server and the Node Manager machine may interrupt the communication hence resulting in the modules not getting downloaded on the Node Manager machine. We may see the following message in the error stack trace in the server.log file. The network issues will have be taken care of to resolve communication issues between the Server & the Node to be able to solve this issue. We may see the following message in the error stack trace in the server.log file:
Connection reset; nested exception is Connection reset
- A corrupt deployment package may also result in an error when creating a Web Player service. A workaround here would be to redeploy the packages in the preferred deployment area and try re-installing the service. We may see the following message in the server.log file:
java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: org.springframework.web.client.ResourceAccessException: I/O error on GET request for “<server hostname>/spotfire/deploy/Production/Contents/": Possibly corrupt file.; nested exception is Possibly corrupt file.
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