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Product: TIBCO Spotfire®
Product: TIBCO Spotfire®
Error “You are not using the right version of the client API. Please go to http://servername:port/ServiceName/ URI for update” when opening TIBCO Spotfire Statistics Services (TSSS) URL API in browser
When trying to opening any of the TIBCO Spotfire Statistics Services URL APIs in a browser, the following error may be seen:
You are not using the right version of the client API. Please go to http://servername:port/ServiceName/ URI for updateExample:
There are different URL APIs available and they are generally used to check the state of the server, status of jobs, determine engine information, etc, which are all often used when administering and troubleshooting the system. The following table lists the different categories of service URL APIs available. Click to know different server APIs available for each category mentioned:
Service API | Description |
Administration Service API | Defines the URL Application Program Interface (API) for Spotfire Statistics Services administration tasks. These tasks might be restricted to login credentials; however, this API contains useful functions that you can apply to results obtained by calls using the Expression Service API or the Function service API. |
Expression Service API | Defines the URL Expression Service Application Program Interface (API) forSpotfire Statistics Services. The Expression Service provides functions to send expressions directly to the R engine and retrieve the resulting SPXML string. |
Function Service API | Defines the URL Function Service Application Program Interface (API) for Spotfire Statistics Services. The Function Service provides the functions to send TERR or open-source R functions (which are in packages or libraries on the server) to the engine and retrieve the resulting SPXML string. |
Public Service API | Provides functions for discovering information about the server. |
For example, to know the details about TIBCO Spotfire Statistics Services and the engine type and version, the API ExtendedServerInfo can be used as below:
http://<servername>:<port>/<servicename>/api/v8/administration/ExtendedServerInfoIn the above URL the <servername>, <port>, and <servicename> must be replaced as per the installation details. Specifically, the URL is case sensitive and it must be used as is, with capital E, S, and I in ExtendedServerInfo, and all the rest in lower case. The following example shows the correct usage of the URL API:
The URL API Guide can be found in the TIBCO Documentation site (for example for version 10.3, TIBCO Spotfire Statistics Services URL API Guide) and also accessed on TSSS homepage (http://<servername>:<port>/<servicename>) by clicking on "URL API Reference" in the Documentation section. Doc : TIBCO Spotfire Statistics Services URL API Guide
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