Product: TIBCO Spotfire®
Possible outcomes of Fit Status.
Fitting was performed "OK":
• "OK"
Fitting has proceeded as expected and nothing significant has been raised by the fitting library.
• "OK. Also unable to calculate the confidence interval"
Fitting has been performed but confidence interval has not been calculated for some reason (the specific error returned by the library is added).
• "Logistic Regression Fit did not converge: Using initial parameter estimates."
This occurs when after all the iterations the fitting has not achieved any reasonable fit. In this case the initial estimates are returned (which in some cases may provide a reasonable fit to the data).
• "Unable to fit this curve"
The fit has failed for some other reason.
IRLS Warnings:
• "Fit exceeded IRLS limitation of [irls limit]%"
Fit is not returned due to the IRLS limit threshold
• "Levenberg-Marquardt-Robust did not pass sensitivity check. Curve fit retried with Levenberg-Marquardt"
Curve did not pass the sensitivity check, in this case the sensitivity check failed, and the fit was done without IRLS.
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