Product: TIBCO Spotfire®
Tibco Spotfire server connection type http stop working, but https works.
There will be a blank page or possibly a login prompt when logging to Spotfire server using http type of URL. This is due to cookies not being sent to the server as they have been earlier. This increased security is first introduce in Chrome version 80, released February 2020, but it is expected for other browsers to follow.
How to verify that the SameSite=None is sent from the server:
1. In your browser, visit your Spotfire server via https (
2. Open developer tool (F12) and press 'Application' on top, press Cookies on left, and then rightclick your site under cookies to choose clear.
3. Now visit your Spotfire server again, and verify that there is a 'None' listed below the SameSite column for your cookies. (XSRF-TOKEN and for 7.14+ also JSESSIONID)
1.Reset SameSite settings in configuration.xml file to default value Unset.
2.Restart Spotfire server.
Note: SameSite cookies set to None will only work if accessing the Spotfire server over https.
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