Product: TIBCO Spotfire®
Error "Problem in parse(text = "{\ncurrent(s1,p)\"li..: End of file before closing ")" on input line 2" when using " to assign to a changeable parameter.
The S+NuOpt User's Guide contains incorrect syntax when assigning to a changeable parameter. The following example in the User's Guide, does not work:
> initVal ## a sample model
a <- Set(1:10)
i <- Element(set = a)
p <- Parameter(list(1:10, 1:10), index = i, changeable = T)
x <- Variable(list(1:10, rep(30, 10)), index = i)
x[i] >= p[i]
f <- Objective(minimize)
f ~ Sum(-1/(x[i] - 50), i)
> s1 <- System(initVal) ## making a System
> sol1 <- solve(s1,f) ## solve the System
> current(s1,x) ## result of variable x
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1.000116 2.000001 3.000034 4.000105 5.000166 6.000199 7.000207 8.000199
9 10
9.000184 10.00017
attr(, "indexes"):
[1] "i"
> current(s1,p)"list(1:10,21:30) ## assign to the changeable Parameter
This fails with an error:
Problem in parse(text = "{\ncurrent(s1,p)\"li..: End of file before closing ")" on input line 2
Use traceback() to see the call stack
The correct method to assign to a changeable parameter is to use ~ instead of ". For example:
current(s1,p) ~ list(1:10,21:30) ## assign to the changeable Parameter
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