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Product: TIBCO Spotfire®
Product: TIBCO Spotfire®
Parse Error message, "The element 'xxxxxx' is not supported." when editing HTML of the Text area.
This error occurs because of the built-in HTML sanitation feature, and can be avoided by disabling the same.
Read this before considering to disable HTML sanitation
Disabling the PerformHTMLSanitization should only be used if all other options have been explored. When the PerformHTMLSanitization is disabled, there are no longer any safeguards that guarantee that the JQuery/JavaScript code works as expected when used within the product. HTML and script support vary between different web browsers and do sanitation that helps guarantee that the Text Area will work as intended when displayed from the Spotfire Web Player / Business Author.
To disable HTML sanitation
Navigate to Tools >> Administrator Manager >> Preferences >> Text Area and set "PerformHtmlSanitation" to "false" and restart Spotfire. See the attached image (Filename: PerformHtmlSanitation.PNG ).
The following is the detail from the Help Menu:
PerformHtmlSanitation : Allows you to switch off the HTML sanitation performed by the WYSIWYG editor when switching between editing the HTML directly and using the standard WYSIWYG editor in the text area.
TIBCO Spotfire Support reserves the right to deny support to any solution that is developed with the PerformHTMLSanitization option disabled.
Help Menu >> Preferences Descriptions >> PerformHtmlSanitation
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