This CBOE 12.1.6 service release is a maintenance cumulative rollup release, which provides significant enhancements, as well as solutions for software defects reported for E-Notebook Core, Group Security, Sample Management, Formulation, CombiChemv2, Sign and Close, Reagent Selector, Send2E-Notebook, SDM, Simple E-Signature, External & In-Document Signature, and RDLIMS. This service release updates apply to all CBOE 12.1 installations. This release does NOT include enhancements and fixes for COE Registration, Inventory, ChemBioViz or any other COE suite applications. Integration with COE 12.5.2 is qualified with this service release.
New in patch 12.1.6:
1. Internet Explorer 10.0 is qualified with this release.
2. Latest MSOffice 2013 Professional Plus suite is qualified with this release.
3. Bioassay 12.1 is qualified with Oracle
4. Numerous RDLIMS and Formulations enhancements, including “Condition Screening” for chemical reactions.
5. E-Notebook:
o New Feature will allow administrators to allow or block user’s ability to export/import experiments as XML.
o New Send2V1 stand alone installer includes Acrobat dlls.
o Adding company logos in header and footer is fully supported with Acrobat 9 and 10.
o Enumeration performance in MPS Experiments is significantly improved.
6. COE-ELN integration: This release is qualified with COE12.5.2 having Inventory Group Security.
7. This release is qualified with Adobe Acrobat 9.3.3 Pro, Acrobat 10.1.6 Pro, and Reader XI.
8. New bug fixes.
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