Product: TIBCO Spotfire Analyst
Versions: 10.10 and higher
List of keyboard shortcuts for Spotfire Analyst to navigate and perform operations.
This article gives a list of keyboard shortcuts for Spotfire Analyst to navigate and perform operations.
Below is the list of shortcuts that work with Spotfire Analyst:
Ctrl+Tab To navigate between tabs.
Ctrl+left/right arrow To navigate tabs front & back.
Ctrl+A Mark filtered rows.
Ctrl+D Duplicate active page.
Ctrl+E Unmark the set of marked records. No records will be marked after you have executed this operation.
Ctrl+F Find.
Ctrl+I Inverts the set of marked records. Marks all unmarked records and unmarks the set of marked records.
Ctrl+M Filter to, Sets the selection to the marked records. Creates a temporary filter so that only the marked records are visible.
Ctrl+N New Page.
Ctrl+O Open an existing file or a file to import.
Ctrl+P Print the active visualization.
Ctrl+R Reset all filters.
Ctrl+S Save the present visualization in the same format as when opened.
Ctrl+T Create a new text area
Ctrl+W or Alt+F4 Close.
Ctrl+Shift+M Filter out
Ctrl+Y Redo.
Ctrl+Z Undo.
Ctrl+F Find.
Ctrl+C Copy the marked records to the clipboard as text
Ctrl+V Paste the clipboard contents into Spotfire.
Ctrl+1 Create a new Table.
Ctrl+2 Create a new Cross table.
Ctrl+3 Create a new Bar chart.
Ctrl+4 Create a Waterfall chart.
Ctrl+5 Create a new Line chart.
Ctrl+6 Create a new Combination chart.
Ctrl+7 Create a new Pie chart.
Ctrl+8 Create a new Scatter plot.
Ctrl+Shift+1 Create a new Map chart.
Ctrl+Shift+2 Create a new Treemap.
Ctrl+Shift+4 Create a new Parallel Coordinate plot.
Ctrl+Shift+7 Create a new KPI chart.
Delete Delete Marked rows
F1 Open online help
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