Keywords: Scistream, Signals VitroVivo, Data Import, Webplayer, On listener
When I use Signals VitroVivo Import Data app in webplayer I get below error.
Data Import
Error in `On` listener while emitting the event ''
PerkinElmer.Signals.Analytics.AppCommon.LibraryItemNotFoundException: /Evotec-SIT/Data Import/a2b6aa84-9455-40db-a364-a0e4c2340b51
at PerkinElmer.Signals.Analytics.AppCommon.LibraryPersistance.ReadString(String path, String title, Boolean validateJSON)
at PerkinElmer.Signals.Analytics.DataExtractionApp.SciStreamFormatsStore.Download(String strUID)
at PerkinElmer.Signals.Screening.DataImportApp.App.<AddEventHandlersSciStreamImportView>b__117_1(ScopeValue _)
at PerkinElmer.Signals.Analytics.Components.AppScope.Emit(String eventName, String argument, Boolean interfaceEvent)
The problem is fix by clearing SciStream folder from the Webplayer server.
As for the cleanup:
- Delete all the scistream formats from the local folder in the webplayer server located at C:\Windows\System32\config\systemprofile\AppData\Roaming\SciStream
- Restart the spotfire server.
This will remove from the list of available formats all formats that are not present in the templates library folder in the Spotfire server. After this, you will need to download again the formats from the library before using them for the first time.
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