When using a Proxy and trying to update packages/apps using the Dependency manager you can run into some issues with downloading some of the packages.
You can setup pip (Python packages download) to use a proxy by following the instructions in the following KB:
After setting up the proxy you can download most of the required Python packages.
However there might be 2 packages used in the High Content Profiles app that is not present in the pip repository (signals_dimreduction and signals_spotfiremiddleware):
To fix this you need to do the following:
From the Windows command prompt navigate to the Modules folder of the client installation:
C:\> cd <.\Modules\Signals VitroVivo Product_4.0.14.10861\spotfire resources\Python packages\Python_311>
Note: Replace <> with the actual path
Check that signals_dimreduction-1.0.8-py3-none-any.whl and signals_spotfiremiddleware-1.0.8-py3-none-any.whl Python packages exist at the current path.
python.exe -m pip install --proxy=<http://<proxyserver>>:<port> signals_dimreduction-1.0.8-py3-none-any.whl
python.exe -m pip install --proxy=<http://<proxyserver>>:<port> signals_spotfiremiddleware-1.0.8-py3-none-any.whl
Go to the Dependency manager to verify that the packages are installed:
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