Along with case description, details, steps to reproduce and logs, please provide SDF environment cluster details by running the following commands:
Cluster information
kubectl cluster-info
Capture kubernetes API basic info
Get nodes
kubectl get nodes -o wide
Show the current nodes in the cluster
Top nodes
kubectl top nodes
Show current CPU / Memory usage per node
Get namespaces
kubectl get ns
Show the list of namespaces in the cluster
Describe nodes
kubectl describe node
Show details of the nodes running
Describe pods
kubectl describe pod -A
Show details of the pods in the cluster
Get Pods
kubectl get pods -A -o wide
Show list of all pods in the cluster
Get All Namespace Objects
kubectl get all -A -o wide
List of all available objects in the cluster associated with pods
Append an output file to each command at the end by adding > file.txt
Capture logs
In order to capture log per pod run the following command
kubectl logs <PODNAME> -n <NAMESPACE>
// OPTIONAL -c <CONTAINER> --since-time='2023-09-21T10:00:00Z' --since=60h (5s, 2m, or 3h) --tail=200
Note: container (-c) is only required when pod is running multiple containers // Since option defines start date for logs or time // Tail last lines of log // No namespace specified will use "default" namespace
Append an output file to each command at the end by adding > PODNAME.log
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