Spotfire Server installation process includes creation of a bootstrap file, which identifies its database. If Oracle database is used, it may refuse to accept requests from your Spotfire Server, so that attempts to create a bootstrap file may fail.
If the Spotfire Server error reports a "Whitelist restriction" or "AllowList restriction", this likely means that your Oracle database tier is configured to only accept inputs from a specific set of clients, and the Spotfire Server is not in that list. This is an example of such error that might appear in tools.log, catalina.log or server.log files:
ORA-04088: error during execution of trigger 'DBA_GROUP.ALD_USER_VALIDATE'
ORA-00604: error occurred at recursive SQL level 1
ORA-200001: Whitelist restriction
User <spotfire_user> is not authorized to access this application JDBC Thin Client from this machine <machine_name>
Spotfire Server name needs to be added to the Oracle's "Whitelist" or "AllowList". To resolve this problem, please work with your Oracle DBA.
Note: This article calls out creation of the bootstrap file, only because it is the initial time that a new Spotfire Server is expected to interact with its database. In reality, your Oracle DBA might choose at any point in the lifetime of a Spotfire server to decide to implement a whitelist policy, resulting in Spotfire Server no longer being able to connect to its database.
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