Product: ChemBioOffice Enterprise
User needs to add the next new EUH phrases within the H Hazard Sentences list section in Chemical Inventory for regulatory reasons:
EUH211: 'Warning! Hazardous respirable droplets may be formed when sprayed. Do not breathe spray or mist.'
EUH212: 'Warning! Hazardous respirable dust may be formed when used. Do not breathe dust.'
This can't be done from application GUI and should be added directly to the database.
DB table INV_CUSTOM_FIELDS contains Hazard and EHS data.
Please find the insert statement (example):
INSERT INTO ChemINVDB2.INV_CUSTOM_FIELDS VALUES(840,1,104,'H229: Pressurised container: May burst if heated.',0,1,null);
Parameters that you need to change:
First parameter (840) is primary key, you need to check the last ID in INV_CUSTOM_FIELDS table (839 for this example), and increment it by 1 in your INSERT statement.
Third parameter - custom field group, usually 104 for Hazards and 105 for ESH - please check existing data in the table to identify corresponding one.
Forth parameter is the content that should be in single quotes.
Run it as SYSTEM and perform COMMIT after adding all data.
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